
He Honoka Āwhina

Useful Links

This page provides useful websites for understanding pain and for healthy living. For specific health professionals that work with people with shoulder pain, please see the Health Providers page. 


Understanding pain


Pain Trainer

This is an interactive online App that you can use to manage your pain. It was developed by the Centre of Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine, University of Melbourne in collaboration with Duke University and Hackensack Meridian Health. 

New Zealand Pain Society free resource booklet for persistent pain

Tame The Beast — It's time to rethink persistent pain

A beautiful, evidence based explanation of persistent pain by Professor Lorimer Moseley, a pain scientist, University of South Australia, Australia. Find more Youtube videos by him with a Google search. 

Understanding Pain Rebrand

Whiteboard Youtube video, New South Wales Government, Australia

Why pain can be weird?

This webpage is written by a Canadian science journalist, Paul Ingraham.

Understanding pain in 5 min in Arabic

Whiteboard Youtube video

Live well with Pain (UK)

This website was developed by clinicians in the United Kingdom to support people with pain lead better lives. The website includes various resources that have free access. 

The Pain Revolution

This site is developed and maintained by pain researchers at the University of South Australia, Adelaide. It provides information for people with pain, clinicians and the community. Useful resources can be found here. The site also includes tips for starting exercising and sticking with them. 


Physical Activity


Green Prescription

Green Prescription is a support service in Aotearoa New Zealand to provide guidelines for being active and to improve diet for people of all ages. Your GP can give advice where you can find a health professional that can guide you in the use of physical activity and to improve your nutrition. 

Health Navigator - Physical Activity


Older adults in Otago who are seeking opportunity for community classes can explore the programme Steady-as-you-Go, under auspices of Age Concern Otago.


Healthy Eating


How well we eat can influence our health and wellbeing, as outlined in the 'Whole Body Health'. There are a number of options for healthy eating. Your choice may be influenced by your culture, whānau, affordability and individual preferences. It is important that you develop eating habits that you can sustain in the long term. 


Health Navigator - resources for Health Eating

Heart Research Institute New Zealand

Low carbohydrate nutrition plans have become more popular for healthy weight management and for conditions such as type 2 diabetes. We do not yet know whether this eating approach helps with recurring shoulder pain. But if you are interested in improving your general health (Whole Body Health), you may want to get more information about options for sustainable nutrition approaches. This page by the Heart Research Institute (Wellington) may provide a good starting point. 


Guidance for sleeping


Shoulder pain can disturb people's sleep which, in turn, can influence their sense of well-being. Here are sites that provide generic guidance for sleeping. 


Aotearoa New Zealand Ministry of Health

Health Navigator - sleep guidelines

University of Otago WellSleep Centre


Arthritis New Zealand


People with shoulder pain may also have pain in other joints that may have patterns of arthritis. You can find further useful resources about pain and keeping active at their site. 


Mental Wellness


Mental Health Foundation - What is Wellbeing?

The Mental Health Foundation is a charity to improve well-being of individuals, whānau, organisation and community. Amongst other information, the webpage provides a framework to work towards Wellbeing. 


This website provides guidance for mindfullness and meditation. It provides initial 14-day free access, and then requires a subscription. 

Mental Wealth

The Mental Wealth Project is a mental health literacy education programme for young people.