Pokohiwi Mārōrō
The Otago Shoulder Health Project
If you suffer from shoulder pain, you are not alone.
The shoulder is one of the most common areas of the body to be painful, following the low back and the neck. In most cases, the pain settles within a few weeks. But for some people, shoulder pain continues, becoming persistent or recurrent (coming back).
We experience pain because of many reasons. We may have had a specific injury, or the pain came 'out of nowhere'. How we think about pain, what we believe about pain, and our general health and well-being also influences the pain.
We suggest that the following whakatauki (Māori proverb) underpins the philosphy of this website:
Ko te kaha kei te tinana, ko te mana kei te wairua.
The strength is in the body but the power is in the spirit.
Kia kaha!